🐚 Stories

30 posts

May 14
152: Judo & Prince Harry β€” Capturing a moment of delight in words, the untold backstory of a celebrity ghostwriter, and lessons on mental strength from a judo experiment.
Apr 23
149: Wild Leadership (+ a Giveaway!) β€” Lessons on resilience drawn from wild animals raising their young in nature. Plus a readership survey with a giveaway!
Apr 16
148: Living Unbounded β€” A letter about the existential questions that arise from a layoff announcement and what it means to go from bounded to unbounded living.
Apr 09
147: Operating at Reduced Capacity β€” I got sick this week so I'm writing you a letter about how to operate at reduced capacity.
Mar 11
143: Thesis & Khe Hy β€” A recap of the Thesis festival and 3 clips from my salon on productivity with Khe Hy, founder of Rad Reads.
Feb 12
140: Process > Outcome β€” Getting laid off, missing out on the Olympics, and emphasizing effort over results.
Dec 17
132: Twelve Ways to Practice Resilience After a Layoff β€” In my latest piece for on Every, I wrote about how people can use my resilience framework to better navigate the challenges of a layoff. It's been the most "hearted" piece in the series so far.
Nov 26
129: Layoffs at Meta β€” Featuring 2 🎬 's with thoughts from me before and after the layoffs went down.
Nov 19
128: Too Genius to Fail β€” In the last few weeks, at least two people who have been heralded as genius have been revealed to incompetent in important ways and I habe some things to say about it.
Nov 13
127: 3 Times I F*cked Up β€” My latest piece in Every: "What Getting Sued, Scammed, and Arrested Taught Me About Resilience"
Oct 22
124: Restarting Adderall β€” πŸ€” Want to Win a Free Copy of Creative Doing? 🧠 Restarting Adderall πŸ–Ό The Pain Points Map πŸ‘‰ A 1M Impression Tweet and a $125M Raise
Oct 02
121: Reboot your hedonic treadmill β€” Ex-Microsoft and Facebook engineer Philip Su reflects on the lessons learned from a grueling period working at Amazon
Sep 24
120: Burned Out Tech CEO β†’ Warehouse Associate β€” After a high flying 20+ year career in tech, Philip Su burned out. He found solace in an unexpected place: a retail Amazon job.
Sep 18
119: My 12 Hour Walk β€” What I learned from walking 29 miles in a single day.
Sep 04
117: Resilience Archetypes β€” πŸ€” How do you approach change? 🧠 Saying No to Say Yes πŸ–Ό Deadlines (Scotch & Bean) πŸ‘‰ Serena’s Final Fight
Aug 16
114: A Bittersweet Photo & A Failed Startup Pivot β€” Lessons learned going from Vanity Fair to folding my first startup
Jul 31
112: Rediscovering the Power of Video β€” I'm making videos again on YouTube.
Jul 24
111: Switching Teams at Work β€” After two years building B2B tools at Meta, it's time for a change.
Jul 16
110: I (Finally) Got Covid β€” No one escapes it forever.
Jun 28
108: Righting after a Reorg β€” I’ve been thinking a lot about reorgs, and how you can stay resilient through the abrupt changes they can bring.