In addition to this site, my writing and work has also appeared in other publications:
The Pragmatic Pivot (Medium)
- Conviction: A Startup Founder’s Most Valuable Asset
- Doubt: A Startup Founder’s Greatest Threat
- Align: Why The Double Loop Pivot Is the Best Way To Explore Changing Your Business
- Discover: How to Learn From Users During a Pivot Exploration Period
- Realize: Generating Insights to Fuel Your Pivot

The Muse: How to Be Happier At Work: From a Resilience Coach
The Muse: This Resilience Quiz Will Reveal How You Deal with Change at Work
Every: Rethinking Resilience Mini-Series
- How to Cultivate Resilience: A Four Part Framework
- Oh Shit, You’re Going Through a Reorg
- Why “Suck It Up” Isn’t a Solution
- What Getting Sued, Scammed, and Arrested Taught Me About Resilience
- You Got Laid Off. Now What?

Fast Company: The response to Simone Biles’ exit shows we still have a long way to go on mental health
Vox: Hurting but still hopeful: What it’s like for Asian American family-owned businesses right now

Tech Stands Up: 13fund. A Joint Venture in Angel Philanthropy (podcast)
Medium: Introducing 13 Fund
Make a Difference: Why It’s the Responsibility of Leaders to Speak Openly About Their Emotional Life (interview)
Techcrunch: All product creators can learn something from Jackbox Games’ user experiences
Fast Company: Tech workers are showing the effects of COVID-19-related burnout

Techcrunch: Cultivating adaptability is a pandemic coping skill

Fast Company: “People are getting soft”: How the Away scandal exposed a Silicon Valley culture war
Vox: Why Always Be My Maybe’s Asian American underachiever is groundbreaking

ProductHunt: In Defense of Hard Pivots: From Hiring Platform to Esports Startup
Fast Company: I’m a former elite athlete and I call BS on tech’s obsession with working long hours
Indiana Business Times: Indy Tech Company Acquires New York Platform
Better Humans: How to Dramatically Improve Your Public Speaking + the podcast interview follow up

NYTimes: What It’s Really Like to Risk it All in Silicon Valley (interview)

Fast Company: The Networking Secret That Only Requires Writing Four Emails A Year
Newton Wicked Local: Newton North alum Jason Shen sets Guinness Aztec push-ups record
Sweet and Sour: Eat Bitter (ft Jason Shen) (podcast interview)
Quartz: Enough with the excuses. It’s time to pay women what they’re worth with titles to match

The Art of Authenticity: Jason Shen (podcast)
The Atlantic: Asian Americans Feel Held Back at Work by Stereotypes (interview)

Marketplace: Failing in order to succeed? There’s a conference for that (radio)
Outside Magazine: Double Agents: Superhero Athletes of the Tech Industry

LifeHacker: The Science of Practice: What Happens When You Learn a New Skill
Pando: Smithsonian turns to crowdsourcing for massive digitization project (press)
TechCrunch: Ridejoy Brings Its Ridesharing Service To The iPhone, Wants To Be Your Roadtrip Matchmaker (press)

Mashable: The 35 Fittest People in Tech (list)
NYTimes: Would You Trust Ridejoy’s Website? (interview)