Jan 24
Readership Survey —
Since it’s been a few years since my last readership survey
, I decided to poll members of the Art of Ass-Kicking insider’s list to see who
they are and why they read the blog.
Here are
Jan 15
Play to Your Strengths —
Why you'll never win by staying on defense
Jan 11
The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else —
I recently finished reading The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps
Everything Else
[https://web.archive.org/web/20160921075050/http://amzn.to/1VCM2PO] in business
by Patrick Lencioni. You’ve definitely heard Lencioni’s other books: Death by
Meeting [http://amzn.to/1La6Uxa] and The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Jan 04
Learning from Volkswagen —
Volkswagen has been eviscerated after the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
announced in September that VW had installed “defeat devices” to cheat on their
emissions testing
It turns out least 500,000 diesel cars made by VW were rigged with software
Dec 22
The Biggest Challenge With Building Products is Uncertainty —
I was recently asked to share my views on three questions around product
management for the UsabilityTools [http://blog.usabilitytools.com/] blog. My
answers are now published along with thoughts from 46 other product managers
[http://blog.usabilitytools.com/how-to-be-an-amazing-product-manager/] and I
thought I’d share my response here as
Nov 16
The 10x Job Application —
The 10x job application is when you get creative and build something potential employers can't ignore. Here's how to do it.
Oct 28
The Rise and Fall of Product Lines —
I’ve noticed a pattern when it comes to the growth of certain popular products —
both physical and media [1]. The pattern looks like this:
Company Develops a Breakthrough Product
A unique product hits the market. It looks or operates in a way that feels
distinct in an important way.
Oct 02
First Impressions at Etsy —
Since first publishing this post in October, our team has shipped the first
product I had a hand in (in November). It’s called Shop Updates
[http://etsy.com/shop-updates]. You can read more about how the product came to
be from this blog post
Sep 24
The Value in Ongoing Conversations —
When I was in DC working as a Presidential Innovation Fellow
one of our objectives was to drive adoption for President Obama’s Executive
to make all government information open, freely accessible, and
Sep 24
The Alliance: Managing Talent in the Networked Age —
My reading notes The Alliance: Managing Talent in the Networked Age
by Reid Hoffman, Ben Casnocha and Chris Yeh.
Sep 24
Don’t Call it That: A Naming Workbook —
Today I’m sharing the insights I gleaned from a wonderful (and fairly short)
book Don’t Call it That: A Naming Workbook
Aug 30
Six Blistering Bodyweight Workouts You Can Do in Under 30 Mins —
One of the biggest reasons why people say they don’t exercise is because they
don’t have time. Of course, we all have the same amount of time, and there are
plenty of really busy people who work out
Aug 26
Goodbye Percolate, Hello Etsy —
I joined Percolate in March of 2014 as the 100th employee at the company (today:
250+). Back then, we were all piled into a single floor of our NY office in
SoHo. We’ve grown tremendously, raising two rounds of funding, opening offices
around the world, and delivering The System
Aug 04
Until You Ship, Communication Is the Deliverable —
Lessons from a book on "alpha product managers" on the paramount importance of communication
Aug 01
The Extraordinary Power of Self-Reflection —
I recently stumbled across an old document on my laptop. It was a PDF with journal entries from several years ago. While many of the entries were typical day-to-day activities, I also found about 100 short lessons that I had captured during this journaling period and I shared a few
Jul 31
Why Being Real Matters —
> Lying is a requisite and daily part of being a founder, the grease that keeps
the startup flywheel running. No one likes to put it that way of course.
Instead, we use phrases like “hustling” and “fake it until you make it” to make
the idea of lying more
Jul 28
The Little Book of Talent —
Five years ago, I stood in a bookstore for about an hour and read half of a
wonderful book called The Talent Code
[https://web.archive.org/web/20160622022700/http://amzn.to/1Sexp7L] by Daniel
Coyne. It had come out around the same time as a few other books in
Jun 15
29 —
I turned 29 last month. No contest or giveaway. This year we’ll keep it simple.
Three simple lessons I’ve learned as I round the last lap of my twenties.
Just because it isn’t on your resume doesn’t mean it’s not real work. This
includes relationships,
Feb 28
The Success Equation, Untangling Skill and Luck in Business, Sports, and Investing. —
These reading notes began life as an “Ignite-style” 5 minute presentation with
slides automatically progressing every 15 seconds — which I gave on a Monday
morning presentation for Percolate. The words below are essentially what I said
during that talk.
The Success Equation, Untangling Skill and Luck in Business, Sports, and
Jan 05
8 Thoughts from a Techie on SF vs NYC —
We take a quick break from the #WkofBks to bring something a little different for the Your Turn Challenge (Day #5, yes I’m behind). I just spent a week in San Francisco, seeing friends and working out of the Percolate SF offices. While they were fresh in my mind,